B Corp certification

For organisations committed to making a long-term positive impact,
our team of B Corp experts is here to simplify your certification journey. 
Talk to an expert
Trusted by industry leaders
Work with us

Your full-service
B Corp partner  

As a leading B Corp way consultant and a certified B Corp ourselves, Nexio Projects can guide you through every step of the certification process. 
B Corp Way consultant in
the Benelux region
117.9 B impact
(BIA) score in 2023, 1.3x higher
than the global average  
in our BIA since initial
certification in 2019
Our approach

Certification, simplified 

Since 2018, our team of certified B Leaders has been supporting companies through the B Corp certification process – helping you maximise your chances of success. 
Our experts draw on their broad experience to ensure full coverage of all topics in the B Impact Assessment (BIA), including climate change, diversity and inclusion, human rights and governance.  
As a certified B Corp, and one of the core B Corp Way global partners, we know the certification (and reassessment) process inside out. And with over five years of experience, we have the insights you need to make it as seamless as possible. 
With only 33% of applicants achieving 
B Corp certification on their first attempt, we can work with you to create a holistic certification roadmap that integrates insights from the BIA into your organisation’s sustainability strategy.   

Our services

B Corp certification
from A to Z 

  • Initial assessment 
    We help you to understand whether becoming a B Corp is right for your organization and explore the short- and long-term benefits that certification can bring. Our experts can then provide the support you need in developing a business plan to get there. 
  • Roadmap creation
    Let our team of experts bring clarity to your B Corp journey. We’ll work with you to identify your organisation’s strengths and areas for improvement, and plan your next steps towards certification.
  • Organisational transformation strategy
    Once you’re ready to take the next step on your B Corp journey, our teams are here to support your strategic transformation and give you the best chance of success.
  • B Corp (re-)assessment submission
    Our team of B Leaders can support you at every stage of your B Corp journey, from filling out your first B Impact Assessment (BIA) to helping you improve your score year after year. 
  • Impact business models 
    For the most socially and environmentally responsible companies, Impact Business Models (IBMs) can be critical to achieving a high BIA score. Our team of experts can help you define these models within your business to highlight your positive impact. 
Our reports provide:
Contact us
The Eligibility Scan determines your organisation’s eligibility for B Corp status through legal entity scoping, as well as industry and risk screening. 
The Feasibility Scan assesses the feasibility of your B Corp application using the BIA onboarding and BIA performance quick scan tools. 
Our training and workshops can help pave the way to certification or improve your score – including sessions on emission reduction strategies (Carbon 
B Radical) and board-level seminars 
(B in the boardroom) designed to get buy-in from key internal stakeholders. 
Our B Corp Business Case service helps you build a strategic business case to obtain buy-in across your organisation for B Corp certification. 
We can provide: 
Contact us
A detailed gap assessment outlining areas for improvement on a question-by-question basis and indicating the feasibility of future certification.
Strategic recommendations covering the five impact areas of the BIA to help improve your organisation’s score on the path to full certification. 
A certification roadmap with scenario-based pathways to becoming a B Corp, including prioritisation workshops and an operational and governance plan. 
We enable you to: 
Contact us
Understand the changes needed at every level of your organisation to achieve B Corp certification and create a realistic action plan to get there.
Work with a dedicated Nexio Projects consultant to implement an organisation-wide transformation strategy. 
Implement sustainability best practices and procedures to ensure a lasting impact on your organisation’s sustainability management. 
Our experts can offer: 
Contact us
Full BIA consultancy to help you understand the requirements, gather all the necessary documentation, manage KPIs and complete the assessment to meet and exceed the criteria for certification.
Post-certification and recertification support, impact reporting to formalise your new commitments and ongoing impact management to maintain and improve your B Corp status.  
Ad hoc verification support through evaluation calls and on-site reviews.
Post-submission debriefing and bespoke improvement plan. 
We can help your organisation to: 
Contact us
Formalise one or more IBMs – including a critical impact analysis as part of the development of your sustainability strategy.
Define your IBM journey by mapping your current situation on our business model canvas and working with you to define practical next steps. 
Implement sustainability best practices and policies.
Initial assessment 
We help you to understand whether becoming a B Corp is right for your organization and explore the short- and long-term benefits that certification can bring. Our experts can then provide the support you need in developing a business plan to get there. 
Our reports provide:
Contact us
The Eligibility Scan determines your organisation’s eligibility for B Corp status through legal entity scoping, as well as industry and risk screening. 
The Feasibility Scan assesses the feasibility of your B Corp application using the BIA onboarding and BIA performance quick scan tools. 
Our training and workshops can help pave the way to certification or improve your score – including sessions on emission reduction strategies (Carbon 
B Radical) and board-level seminars 
(B in the boardroom) designed to get buy-in from key internal stakeholders. 
Our B Corp Business Case service helps you build a strategic business case to obtain buy-in across your organisation for B Corp certification. 
Roadmap creation
Let our team of experts bring clarity to your B Corp journey. We’ll work with you to identify your organisation’s strengths and areas for improvement, and plan your next steps towards certification.
We can provide: 
Contact us
A detailed gap assessment outlining areas for improvement on a question-by-question basis and indicating the feasibility of future certification.
Strategic recommendations covering the five impact areas of the BIA to help improve your organisation’s score on the path to full certification. 
A certification roadmap with scenario-based pathways to becoming a B Corp, including prioritisation workshops and an operational and governance plan. 
Organisational transformation strategy
Once you’re ready to take the next step on your B Corp journey, our teams are here to support your strategic transformation and give you the best chance of success.
We enable you to: 
Contact us
Understand the changes needed at every level of your organisation to achieve B Corp certification and create a realistic action plan to get there.
Work with a dedicated Nexio Projects consultant to implement an organisation-wide transformation strategy. 
Implement sustainability best practices and procedures to ensure a lasting impact on your organisation’s sustainability management. 
B Corp (re-)assessment submission
Our team of B Leaders can support you at every stage of your B Corp journey, from filling out your first B Impact Assessment (BIA) to helping you improve your score year after year. 
Our experts can offer: 
Contact us
Full BIA consultancy to help you understand the requirements, gather all the necessary documentation, manage KPIs and complete the assessment to meet and exceed the criteria for certification.
Post-certification and recertification support, impact reporting to formalise your new commitments and ongoing impact management to maintain and improve your B Corp status.  
Ad hoc verification support through evaluation calls and on-site reviews.
Post-submission debriefing and bespoke improvement plan. 
Impact business models 
For the most socially and environmentally responsible companies, Impact Business Models (IBMs) can be critical to achieving a high BIA score. Our team of experts can help you define these models within your business to highlight your positive impact. 
We can help your organisation to: 
Contact us
Formalise one or more IBMs – including a critical impact analysis as part of the development of your sustainability strategy.
Define your IBM journey by mapping your current situation on our business model canvas and working with you to define practical next steps. 
Implement sustainability best practices and policies.

Why B Corp? 

B Corp certification distinguishes your company as a leader in environmental and social responsibility – helping you stand out from the competition, grow your influence and attract talent. 
8 000+
certified B Corps
worldwide, in over
95 countries 
of B Corps pursuing equity financing achieved their target amount, compared to 56% in the general SME population 
of job seekers agree that B Corp status would positively influence their decision to work for a company 
Get in touch with our expert
Contact us
Jatin Budhraja
Sustainability Advisory Lead
Specialist in ESG regulation and reporting, including standard interpretation, gap analysis, materiality assessment, process set-up, data collation and consistency and audit readiness. Ex-EY & KPMG CFA, MBA INSEAD
Industrial products
Industrial technology

On the side of 
ambitious action 

Having Nexio Projects to guide us through the what, when and how greatly helped our team tackle the EcoVadis Assessment more efficiently
Jochen Rother
Head of Corporate Sustainability at Orion Engineered Carbons
View case study
Through working with Nexio Projects, we’ve gained a better understanding of the EcoVadis methodology. Internally, we now have much more structure when it comes to managing ESG
Katrin Discher
Sustainability Director at TRILUX
View case study
Having Nexio Projects to guide us through the what, when and how greatly helped our team tackle the EcoVadis Assessment more efficiently
Jochen Rother
Head of Corporate Sustainability at Orion Engineered Carbons
View case study



Frequently asked questions

What is a B Corp and why should we consider becoming one? 

B Corp is an independent certification body focused on promoting the highest standards of corporate environmental and social responsibility. There are currently more than 8,000 certified B Corps around the world in industries ranging from fashion to food to finance. The B Corp certification process provides one of the most robust measures of sustainability performance – helping you stand out from the competition, grow your influence and attract talent. 

What topics does the BIA address? 

B Corp is an independent certification body focused on promoting the highest standards of corporate environmental and social responsibility. There are currently more than 8,000 certified B Corps around the world in industries ranging from fashion to food to finance. The B Corp certification process provides one of the most robust measures of sustainability performance – helping you stand out from the competition, grow your influence and attract talent. 

Who qualifies for B Corp certification? 

B Corp is an independent certification body focused on promoting the highest standards of corporate environmental and social responsibility. There are currently more than 8,000 certified B Corps around the world in industries ranging from fashion to food to finance. The B Corp certification process provides one of the most robust measures of sustainability performance – helping you stand out from the competition, grow your influence and attract talent. 

How long does the B Corp certification process take? 

B Corp is an independent certification body focused on promoting the highest standards of corporate environmental and social responsibility. There are currently more than 8,000 certified B Corps around the world in industries ranging from fashion to food to finance. The B Corp certification process provides one of the most robust measures of sustainability performance – helping you stand out from the competition, grow your influence and attract talent. 

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