Case study

Scholle IPN

The Challenge
Scholle IPN Netherlands B.V. was looking for support to complete the EcoVadis Assessment with dedication and a more structured approach.

Project Objectives

To facilitate the process of the EcoVadis Assessment
To obtain an EcoVadis medal that reflects the company's efforts and values
Satisfy client requests by achieving a higher EcoVadis score
Company facts

Scholle IPN

Scholle IPN is a global leader in flexible packaging solutions that range from barrier films to bag-in-box and pouch fillings. Sustainability is among the company’s core values, which strives to innovate and engineer packaging solutions, with the idea of ‘doing more with less’.

130 employees
€ 50M

Nexio Projects’ Solution

EcoVadis Assessment review
Nexio Projects reviewed the assessment prepared by Scholle IPN to ensure it reflected their sustainability efforts
KPIs development
The team supported Scholle IPN in the development of KPIs to track the progress across the different sustainability pillars

Key Outcomes

Scholle IPN achieved the EcoVadis certification and as a result of the project their EcoVadis score improved.
Nexio Projects supported Scholle IPN with the review of their EcoVadis Assessment
As a result of the project, the level of internal awareness on sustainability topics increased
The project strengthened the internal procedures of the company and improved reporting by better defining KPIs on the various sustainability pillars

What our client says

“The Nexio Projects team always finds the time to help, providing clear and practical instructions that make the sustainability journey simple and understandable!”
Dane Huveneers
HR Adviser at
Scholle IPN