Case study

COUNT Energy Trading

The Challenge
COUNT Energy Trading was looking for support to complete the EcoVadis Assessment to have its sustainability efforts certified by an external third party

Project Objectives

To help COUNT with their EcoVadis Assessment Review
To support COUNT with the creation of their Annual Sustainability Report
To increase the internal confidence in the sustainability achievements of COUNT Energy Trading
Company facts

COUNT Energy Trading

COUNT Energy Trading operates in the petrochemical sector and trades commodities. It also specialises in renewable energy.

The company faces the challenge of guaranteeing elevated sustainability standards to its customers. However, being in the middle of the supply chain, it has little control over production.


Petrochemical and energy
25 employees
EcoVadis Gold Medal

Nexio Projects’ Solution

EcoVadis review
Nexio Projects reviewed the EcoVadis assessment of COUNT to ensure it reflected the company's efforts
The team shared insights with COUNT to ensure achieving a score that would reflect the sustainability efforts of the client
Sustainability report
After the review, Nexio Projects supported COUNT with its Sustainability Report

Key Outcomes

As a result, COUNT Energy Trading obtained an EcoVadis Gold Medal thanks to the support of Nexio Projects who reviewed their assessment.
EcoVadis Review
Nexio Projects supported COUNT Energy Trading with an EcoVadis Assessment Review
The project increased the internal level of confidence in the sustainability efforts of the company
The result of the assessment strengthened COUNT Energy Trading’s ambition to continue working on this path

What our client says

“Nexio Projects provided comprehensive guidance on our EcoVadis assessment, helping us to continue making progress on our sustainability journey.”
Ricardo Cordeiro de Sousa
Sustainability Officer at COUNT Energy Trading