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juillet 23, 2024

Verdantix features Nexio Projects on report of top boutique ESG and sustainability services(2023)

Nexio Projects has been named as one of the top ESG and Sustainability consultancies. Below is an excerpt from Verdantix’s 2023 Buyer’s Guide: Boutique ESG and Sustainability Strategy services.

The Guide is a report that provides a current analysis of 11 boutique ESG and sustainability strategy service providers. It is aimed to be used by the board, C-Suite and sustainability executives to inform their selection process. You can read the Nexio Projects excerpt below.

Nexio Projects’s ESG and sustainability strategy services encompass materiality assessments and metrics selection, stakeholder engagement, goal-setting, peer benchmarking and gap analysis, and strategic ESG roadmap development.

Verdantix finds that Nexio Projects has

01. Specialized expertise for impact sectors.

Nexio Projects supports clients across a range of sectors, with particular expertise in
industries with large and complex supply chains. The firm has a track record in sectors
that will have a significant impact on the transition to a green economy, such as
transport and logistics, chemicals, consumer goods, manufacturing and packaging.
Nexio Projects also has ESG expertise in supplier and portfolio company engagement
for the consumer goods and private equity industries, respectively.

02. Embedded environmental and technical expertise to bolster climate strategy services.

Leveraging the technical and environmental expertise of a team composed of consultants, engineers and environmental scientists, Nexio Projects offers a range of climate strategy services. These encompass carbon management (Scopes 1, 2 and 3 and product lifecycle assessments); decarbonization strategy; climate data management; science-based target-setting, reporting and disclosure (to the CDP, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)); climate risk assessments; and climate gap analysis.

Nexio Projects can support organizations looking to report in alignment with the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), by reviewing their climate goals, targets and KPIs to ensure they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. It can also help businesses with stakeholder engagement to identify opportunities for collaboration to drive climate action.

03.  An integrated partnership network to deliver at scale.

Nexio Projects has created a robust and integrated partnership network that enables it
to deliver sustainability strategy and implementation services on a large scale. This
allows it to support clients of different sizes and at various points along the sustainability
maturity curve with an integrated software and services offering. Its network includes
Ecochain for lifecycle assessments, EcoVadis for ESG ratings, Position Green, Quentic,
and Sweep for ESG software solutions.

Nexio Projects’s ESG and sustainability strategy services encompass materiality assessments and metrics selection, stakeholder engagement, goal-setting, peer benchmarking and gap analysis, and strategic ESG roadmap development.

avril 01, 2024

Nexio Projects releases third edition of its Impact Report

A message from our managing partners

Last year marked another important chapter in the journey of Nexio Projects. It was a year of growth, challenges and achievements that shaped our path forward. As we settled into our Rotterdam hub for the first full year, our team continued to grow to more than 50 people from 24 nationalities. Together we delivered over 380 projects, helping more than 250 clients in 30 countries to advance their sustainability ambitions. Each was another step in our mission to take ambitious organisations from compliance to purpose.
2023 was certainly a year of achievements. In March, we received our fifth consecutive Platinum rating from EcoVadis. In April, we renewed our commitment as a B Corp, increasing our score by 33 points and becoming one of the highest rated B Corp consultancies in the world. In September, several publications highlighted our work, with the Dutch Financial Times naming us the fastest growing sustainability consultancy in the Netherlands. Meanwhile, Verdantix listed us among the world’s leading ESG strategy providers and included us in its list of top European sustainability consultancies.

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We’re deeply grateful to our longstanding and new clients with whom we’ve built strong relationships and collaborations, pushing sustainability higher up the corporate agenda and finding practical solutions to develop, measure and report on non-financial impacts.

Nexio Projects