Case study


The Challenge
Orion Engineered Carbons reached out to Nexio Projects for support in completing the EcoVadis assessment. The team was seeking guidance about where to better focus its efforts and consequently improve the company’s score

Project Objectives

To help Orion to obtain an EcoVadis score that reflects the sustainability efforts of the company
To ensure a smooth process of the EcoVadis Assessment Сompletion
To narrow down the sustainability areas with highest priority to help Orion direct its commitments
To improve the internal understanding of the EcoVadis Methodology and Assessment process
Company facts

Orion Engineered Сarbons

Orion Engineered Сarbons is a global leader in carbon black production. The company pursues constant innovation to improve the quality and performance of its products, while at the same time minimising possible negative impacts on the environment.

The company pursues constant innovation to improve the quality and performance of its products, while at the same time minimising possible negative impacts on the environment. Orion has proven its commitment to sustainability by linking managers’ bonus to ESG performance, signing the United Nations Global Сompact in 2021 and disclosing their carbon performance according to the СDP framework.

Specialty Chemicals
App. 1,500 FTEs
23 locations
EcoVadis Gold Medal

Nexio Projects’ Solution

EcoVadis submition
Nexio Projects supported Orion Engineered Сarbons in the process of submitting their EcoVadis Assessment Completion
The team helped Orion in understanding what documentation to submit to achieve a score that reflects the company’s efforts
Sustainability strategy
Nexio Projects collaborated with Orion in the identification of the main gaps in their sustainability strategy to prioritise actions and foster progress on the company’s ESG initiatives.

Key Outcomes

As a result, Orion Engineered Carbons obtained a clearer understanding of the actions to take to close the main gaps in their sustainability systems. Additionally, the EcoVadis Assessment resulted in a score improvement from Silver to Gold Medal.
Gold medal
As a result of the project, Orion managed to improve their EcoVadis score moving from the Silver medal to the Gold medal
Internal awareness regarding the multi-faceted nature of sustainability increased, as did the understanding
Improved motivation in the Orion team thanks to a better understanding of the process and recognition for their efforts.

What our client says

“Having Nexio Projects to guide us through the what, when and how greatly helped our team tackle the EcoVadis Assessment more efficiently”
Jochen Rother
Head of Corporate Sustainability at Orion Engineered Carbons